
Saturday, June 30, 2007

Mmm, that's good!

On June 18, I ate solid food for the first time. I liked the rice cereal so much that I cried for more when it was finished. Since then, I have continued to enjoy eating baby food. Now, if only Mommy would allow me to drink from Patrick's cup...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Monday Night Baseball ~ Dad Style

A couple of weeks ago, my husband returned from our son's baseball game saying, "I can't go to any more baseball games. I have a headache."

He must have seen my quizzical look and understood that I was thinking, "Why does your headache prevent you from going to future baseball games?"

He answered my thought, "I get too excited. By the end of the game, I was no longer in the bleachers. I was standing by the fence cheering for our team."

Needless to say, he went to our son's last game.

Monday, June 11, 2007

I am 5 Months Old

My greatest accomplishment, this month, is that I am mobile. No, I am not crawling. I am rolling and wriggling to my desired location. On Friday, my mommy put me on the floor in the living room and sat down to listen to my eldest brother read. I maneuvered myself to the other end of the room. I can't wait to start crawling!

What are you waiting for?

Danielle Bean's charity raffle to benefit St. Gianna Maternity Home ends today, June 11 at 9:00 pm EST. Danielle has raised $6000, so far. Buy some raffle tickets in the next 8 1/2 hours and help her raise even more money for this wonderful charity!

Motherly Advice

Two months after Catherine's birth, I started tutoring for the Brock family. One day, I told Debbie and her children that I had cut Catherine's nails for the first time. Debbie shared that sometimes it is easier to cut a child's nails when he is sleeping.

A few days ago, Patrick got a huge sliver embedded deeply in his finger. The sliver really hurt him, but he refused to let anyone take it out. Knowing that taking my son to the doctor to get it out would most likely meet with even stronger resistance (yes, our pediatrician has taken a sliver out of Patrick before), I advised my husband that we would need to try Debbie's advice in a different situation.

Bedtime came and Patrick fell asleep. My husband got a needle (no part of the sliver was exposed) and tweezers, and started trying to remove the sliver. In no time, it was out. The next morming, when Patrick woke up, he looked at his finger. Upon not seeing the sliver, he asked, "Where's my sliver?" I responded, "Daddy took it out." Patrick responded, completely crestfallen, "It's gone."

Yes, my dear child, it's gone. Thank you God for putting Debbie in our life.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Treasure Trove

I am so excited! Today, I was searching for a Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus to say for nine days during the month of June, when I stumbled upon EWTN's Devotions page. I have found novenas, prayers, etc. before on EWTN by doing Google searches, but I had never taken the time to actually look at the original source page. I am thankful that I did so today. I now know where to turn when I am looking for a certain prayer, novena, litany, etc.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Monday Night Baseball

Boy on third base: "Pleeeease hit the ball for me, Brendan. I really need this run."

Brendan responded by hitting the ball. The boy ran safely home. Brendan made it to first base and eventually made his way to the home plate.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Little Flowers Final Badge Ceremony

It's hard to believe, but today we had our last Little Flowers' meeting. Unfortunately, most of the girls could not make it, due to illnesses. It was great to see those who could.

Badge Ceremony
Badge Ceremony
Badge Ceremony
Badge Ceremony
Little Flower Sisters
Little Flowers Group Photo
Little Flowers Group Photo
Future Little Flower
Little Flowers Sharing Photos
Sharing More Photos
Little Flowers and Their Moms Visiting
Little Flower Mother and Tea Hostess

St. Therese, pray for us!

May God bless all of the Little Flowers!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Eight Things Meme

Thank you, Ana, for tagging me.


"For this meme, each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog."

Where do I begin?

1. My mom was one of my best friends. I miss her a lot.

2. Apples are my favorite fruit, but I also like strawberries, pears, bananas, kiwis, lychees, oranges (especially if someone else peels them). Actually, the only fruit that I don't like is grapefruit.

3. I am the middle child. Yes, exactly in the middle, I have an equal number of siblings who are older than me and younger than me.

4. My favorite drink is, drum roll please, water.

5. I do not really enjoy talking on the telephone. More things happen in my house when I am on the phone than any other time. The only time that glass (not as in drinking vessel) has been broken in our house is when I was on the phone... Even if things didn't happen while I was on the telephone, I still wouldn't like said activity.

6. It is very difficult for me to sit and watch television without doing something. Sometimes, it is even hard for me to watch television when I am doing something because I feel like I can be doing so much more.

7. I became a U.S. citizen in 1999.

8. I speak to my dad on the phone every night.

I tag Alice, Sara (she shared some wonderful news the other day), Ruth, and Jenn (who also shared some wonderful news recently).
(Plus any other four readers who enjoy memes.)

Saturday, June 02, 2007

First Saturday

We had a busy First Saturday. My husband spent his day in an A+ certification class, followed by confession. The children's and my day was a little bit more involved. We began our morning by attending Mass at what is probably the most beautiful church in our area. After Mass, we headed to a ballet dress rehearsal for all three girls. Once the rehearsal was finished, we stopped at Wendy's, picked up six value meals, came home to eat and change clothes. About 20 minutes later, we were back in the car and driving to my eldest son's baseball game. The game ended and we went to Costco for our weekly supplies. On our way home, we stopped at the library to pick up a pile of books being held. Once we unloaded and put everything away at home, I sat down to nurse our baby. My husband walked in the door shortly thereafter.

The highlight of my day was not my husband coming home (sorry, Dear), but Mass. I knew that our day was going to be very busy and I had debated whether or not I should make it busier by driving 20 minutes to observe our First Saturday devotions. I am so thankful that I did. I needed all of the graces that I could get to accomplish what we did today.

A side benefit of attending Mass and receiving the Eucharist was the visiting priest's homily. He began by saying that we need to try very hard to understand the wisdom of God because without His wisdom, we can understand nothing. He spoke about the great need to know our faith in today's world and about how we tend to rationalize things as we age. The priest went on to recommend St. John of the Cross' Dark Night of the Soul. Finally, he advised all those present to tap into the vast wealth of knowledge that the Church and the saints have provided for us in books.