Does it not strike you as a surprising fact that Catholic parents so often do what is asked of them from merely human motives and that everything about their homes tends to nourish luxury? They tell them how such and such a man of obscure birth has made himself famous by his eloquence or has acquired great riches and has married an heiress, that he has built himself a magnificent house and lives envied by all. Such examples are held up to the children, but the parents never think of talking to them of those who are great in the kingdom of heaven. If anyone else tries to speak of these things, the parents stop them as though they would spoil everything by such talk.
There are mothers who take great care of their daughters' health but little of their conscience. Far from forbidding them foolish or even bad books, indecent dresses, undesirable friends, indecent pictures, plays, and dances, they allow them these things and even sometimes force them upon their children. Do not such parents know that spiritual fornication is a crime among Christians; that a look may kill a soul and that a bad desire or thought is enough to rob children of innocence and grace? Some mothers think that when they have brought a child into the world they have no further duty toward it. Yet marriage was instituted and is blessed only that children may be brought up in the fear and love of God. If only parents would take the trouble, what could they not do for their children! If you do not bring up your children well, what do you do? It is the only thing you have to do; it is this that God requires of you, for this that He established Christian marriage; and it is on this that you will be judged. You reply that you have amassed a fortune for your children. Did God ask that of you? At judgment He will say: Give me an account of this soul that I confided to your care. What has become of it? It was the field, the vine that the Lord left in your hands to be cultivated. Have you brought up your children to lead holy lives? What have you taught them? Are they good? Do they fear God? Are they well instructed? Many parents will not know what to answer to these questions. They do not even know if their children are good or bad, well or ill-instructed.
St. Claude de Colombiere (1680)
On the Education of Children
Friday, February 27, 2009
On the Education of Children
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Meaningful Gifts
Monday, February 23, 2009
Northwest Catholic Family Education Conference
The Northwest Catholic Family Education Conference, Nurturing Catholic Family Life, will be May 1-2, 2009 in Tukwila, WA (just south of Seattle). Speakers include Fr. Jim Kelleher, S.O.L.T., Fr. Gerard Saguto, F.S.S.P., Dr. Joan Cotter, Camille Pauley, Meredith Henning, and more. You can register online or via snail mail.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Little Mother

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Family Visit

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
History Books
We have developed the Heritage History website with the specific intention of doing our small part to help redirect the modern focus of history from its current degraded position as fodder for historians and social scientists, to its former and more elevated purpose as entertainment.
That history can be very instructive we do not deny. That it must be instructive, and that its primary purpose is to instruct, is the modern impulse that we seek to oppose.
When a modern young person wants to evade the oppressive necessity of thinking important and constructive thoughts, he escapes to his comic-books, fantasy novels, or video games for a bit of aimless fun. He would not dream of picking up a history book for a bout of irresponsible escapism, as his grandfathers and great-grandfathers did before him. Yet this is precisely the state of affairs that Heritage History hopes to help change. We seek to promote, not so much the study of history, as the enjoyment of History.
By making available "old-fashioned" history, as it was enjoyed as a pastime rather than studied as a subject, Heritage-History hopes to repair some of the damage to its
reputation inflicted by "social studies", and reawaken the interest of a new generation.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I am thankful for the time that I am being given to prepare myself and my family for Lent.In these weeks of the pre-Lenten season, the mother of the family has much to teach her children. She will introduce them to the meaning of the color of violet in church. She will prepare them for the forty sacred days of retreat, and will help them to formulate their Lenten resolutions, which should be written on a sheet of paper and placed on the house altar. It is important that Lenten resolutions do not use the negative approach only, such as, "I won't do this" and "I won't do that." They should start positively, with "I will use these three books" (this as soon as the child can read); "I will use the time I save by abstaining from television for this and this...." "I will use the money I save by not going to the movies for alms given to...."It is a precious time, a time for the mother to introduce her children to the three ancient good works -- prayer, fasting, and giving of alms -- with which we can atone for our sins. It will take root in young hearts never to be forgotten. (p. 102)
What are we doing?
We hung our Stations of the Cross.

Inspirational Books for Mothers
On Christian Marriage (Casti Connubii) by Pope Pius XI
The Mirror of True Womanhood by by Rt. Rev. Monsignor Bernard O'Reilly, D.D., L.D.
Pope Pius XII Speaks to Mothers (Allocution of Pope Pius XII 'DAVANTI A QUESTA’) translated by Canon G.D. Smith
The Privilege of Being a Woman
Friday, February 13, 2009
Stress Free Driving
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Educating for Eternity
Lord, carry us through the fast…that as we observe it by bodily discipline, so we may be able to fulfill it with sincerity of mind.
—Collect for Friday after Ash Wednesday
Some thoughts about 'free' online schooling
Dear CHC Family and Friends,
We homeschool because our heart's desire is to provide a loving, intimate setting that simply cannot be duplicated outside the home. If we weren't seeking an education with a more 'personal touch,' to improve upon standard classroom offerings, we wouldn't be homeschooling!
'Free' online schooling is not only impersonal, it is secular. When our Holy Faith is 'added on,' it is just that: an add-on, rather than the core of our very existence. That, too, is why we homeschool, to provide an education steeped in the Reason behind all knowledge, and the Goal of all knowledge. Through online programs, the secular indoctrination that we had ought to avoid is right within our walls.Sitting stiffly in front of a computer monitor also runs counter to the nature of all young things. Why is it that we delight in the gamboling of lambs and kittens, but insist on anchoring young children to chairs for the better part of the day? While table work has its place, homeschooled children may be educated on a rag rug in a cozy corner, at the edge of mama’s bed, or even in the tub! Read the rest...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Adding Years to my Life
Monday, February 09, 2009
Today marks the beginning of the season of Septuagesima. From the Latin meaning seventy the Church has traditionally used this time as a liturgical preparation for Lent, effecting a transition from the joyful sentiments of Christmas to the somber penitential season of Lent. The next three Sundays are respectively called Septuagesima (70), Sexagesima (60), and Quinquagesima (50), and are so named because in the early days of Christianity many communities began the Lenten fast fifty, sixty, or seventy days before Easter in order not to have to fast every day of the forty. Violet is worn on Sundays, the Gloria omitted, and the joyful Alleluia will not be heard at any Mass until the Easter Vigil. This is a good period for us all to reflect on our spiritual progress since last Easter and, in turn, begin consideration of a suitable penance for Lent.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
What Constitutes an Emergency?
Mommy (heading to the kitchen to see): "What's wrong?"
Patrick: "Daddy's been taking some of the goldfish to work."
Monday, February 02, 2009
Good Night
Finnian: "Good night bugs. Don't bite me."
Mommy: "The bugs won't bite you."
Daddy: "The bugs won't bite you, but the hippopotamus might."
Finnian: "Good night bugs. Bugs won't bite me. Good night hippopotamus. Hippopotamus won't bite me. Good night hippopotamus. Hippopotamus won't bite me. Good night butterfly. Butterfly don't bite me."