
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Read Alouds

Bernadette: Our Lady's Little Servant by Hertha Pauli
My children enjoyed listening to the story of this wonderful saint and Our Blessed Mother.

Charlotte's Web by E.B. White, illustrated by Garth Williams
Theresa couldn't wait for her dad to finish reading this book. I remember being the same way when I was in second or third grade and heard my teacher reading this book out loud to my classmates and me. In fact, the copy that my husband read is the copy that I asked my mom to buy for me at the time. Needless to say, this book has been a long time favorite of mine. I think that Charlotte's Web belongs in every child's personal library.

I originally intended to read this book to my younger children, but I noticed that a couple of the older children migrated to the room as I read. My children in preschool through sixth grade are enjoying listening to the story. My two eldest children read this and The Burgess Bird Book for Children a few years ago.

Freddy Goes Camping by Walter R. Brooks
My husband and children thought this book was amusing. Brendan read these books when he was younger and enjoyed them. This was the rest of the family's first introduction to the Freddy books.

The Princess and Curdie by George MacDonald

The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald
The book that we read was illustrated by Ursula K. Le Guin. I would like to see the copy of this book that is illustrated by Jessie Wilcox Smith.

The Pushcart War by Jean Merrill
Thanks go to Kimberlee for making us aware of this funny satire.

Sixty Saints for Boys by Joan Windham

Sixty Saints for Girls by Joan Windham
A friend gave me this book last spring after I told her about Sixty Saints for Boys. My children and I thoroughly enjoy the stories in both of these books.

The Wanderers by Elizabeth Jane Coatsworth, illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman
Based on the author and illustrator, I expected this book to be a winner. I wasn't disappointed. My husband and children found the story and illustrations delightful.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Saints for January Calendar

As usual, this month's pieces were made using the calendar published by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter as a guide. If I have made any errors, please don't hesitate to let me know. The Fraternity's 2014 calendar is currently out of stock.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Confirmation 2013

On Saturday, December 21, Theresa was blessed to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Brendan had the privilege of serving for the Confirmation ceremony.

Cecilia, I sign thee with the Sign of the Cross+
and I confirm thee with the chrism of salvation:
In the name of the Father+, and of the Son+, and of the Holy Ghost+.

Theresa asked Catherine to be her sponsor. Catherine gave her The Catholic Girls Guide as a gift. (Thanks go to Catherine's sponsor, Elena, for making her aware of this book.)

Theresa chose St. Cecilia as her patron saint or perhaps, as our pastor said, "St. Cecilia chose her."

May God bless Theresa and all the Confirmati!

*All photo credits go to Bernadette

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

See, Amid The Winter's Snow


See, amid the winter's snow,

Born for us on Earth below,

See, the tender Lamb appears,

Promised from eternal years.

Hail, thou ever blessed morn,

Hail redemption's happy dawn,

Sing through all Jerusalem,
Christ is born in Bethlehem.

Lo, within a manger lies

He who built the starry skies;

He who, throned in height sublime,

Sits among the cherubim.
Say, ye holy shepherds,say,

What your joyful news today;

Wherefore have ye left your sheep

On the lonely mountain steep?
"As we watched at dead of night,

Lo, we saw a wondrous light:

Angels singing 'Peace On Earth'

Told us of the Saviour's birth."
Sacred Infant, all divine,

What a tender love was Thine,

Thus to come from highest bliss

Down to such a world as this.
Teach, O teach us, Holy Child,

By Thy face so meek and mild,

Teach us to resemble Thee,

In Thy sweet humility.
~ by Edward Caswall ~

May you have a happy and blessed Christmas!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Its Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

On Wednesday, the children and I set up our outdoor Nativity set. Brendan decorated the exterior of the house with Christmas lights.

He also strung lights on the tree. We will put ornaments on the Christmas tree sometime between Sunday and Christmas Eve.

Stockings have been hung by the chimney with care.

Like Jessica, I have been making a list and checking it twice all year long. When I have seen a good price on something that I know my children will like, I have purchased it and tucked it away. I am also very thankful to those of you who have made purchases through my Amazon links, as it has helped defray the cost of buying presents. As I explained in Christmas Favorites, my children typically receive a gift from St. Nicholas, a gift from their grandfather, a book from us, and stocking stuffers. Last year, our oldest daughter started buying gifts for her siblings, trying to stay around the $10 range. This year, her younger siblings will be giving her a present too.

I am looking forward to seeing my oldest daughter's face when she opens this. I think that she will also like this I know that she and her sister will be happy to have their own ones of these. They have been borrowing them from others.

My second oldest daughter will be surprised to receive something to wear on her feet and should like thisand these.

My oldest son should be surprised to get something from here that one of my husband's coworkers gave to him. He should also like this and this.

Cecilia was delighted to get a new guinea pig as an early Christmas present from her grandpa. One of her other guinea pigs died about a month ago. I am curious to see how she likes these. Knowing her, she should have an easy time learning how to use them.

Patrick will be surprised to receive thisbecause it has been retired. I paid a lot less for it at the beginning of last year. He will also like this and this.

Finnian should like thisthis (he's getting a different color and once again it cost a lot less), and this.

Elizabeth will hopefully like this. She will also be getting this, this, this, and this.

Kieran should enjoy this, this, and will hopefully soon be using this.

Hopefully, all of the children will like the books that they receive. Writing in and wrapping them is the last thing that my husband and I have to do before Christmas, besides putting all of the presents under the tree and in Christmas stockings.