
Friday, March 27, 2015

Spring Day Daybook

Outside my window
We had a beautiful winter and spring has been lovely, so far, too. We've had a few rainy days here and there, but for the most part our afternoons have been clear and sunny. The children have been taking advantage of the weather, running outside to play as soon as they are finished with their lessons for the day.

I am wearing
a red shirt, a black skirt, and my Opal Maltese flexi clip. The clip is March's flexi of the month, and it is one of my favorites. The history behind the Maltese Cross can be found here and here.

In the kitchen
We will be making Kimberlee's delicious spinach lasagna again for dinner tonight. It is a favorite in our house. Last time, we added a few sliced carrots to the recipe. We might do the same today.

I am hearing
a shower running, children pouring breakfast, and more.

We are praying for
my dad. My youngest sister just returned from visiting him. He returned from the hospital with new/additional medicines to take a couple of days prior to her arrival. My sister called last night and shared that the medicines are definitely working. She said that the improvement from when she arrived to when she left was amazing. Please keep my dad in your prayers.

We are learning
The children are working hard on trying to finish their lessons each day, and the younger ones are motivated by being able to play outside when they are finished. Some subjects are close to being completed for the year.

Our two oldest girls are taking driver's ed at the local high school. They have been learning to drive in our jolly green giant (a.k.a. our big van). My husband and I have been busy trying to find something smaller for them to drive. In the process, we are learning how to avoid car-selling scams when looking for a used car. If you live locally and know of a reliable, inexpensive, used car, please let us know. 

I am reading
The School of Jesus Crucified: The Lessons of Calvary in Daily Catholic Life by Fr. Ignatius of the Side of Jesus, Passionist. The daily meditations are perfect for Lent.

We are listening to
various sermons on Romans 10:17 - Faith Comes by Hearing.

It's hard to believe
that our little boy is already 1.

As usual, I have been keeping my eyes open for birthday and Christmas presents for my children. Shopping for presents year round keeps gift giving stress free for me. I was happy to find this set for 20% off. Our youngest daughter enjoys playing with her Calico Critters and should be thrilled to get these. I know that her brothers and sisters think that it is really cute.

Plans for the weekend
My husband and I might be looking at a used car or two. Theresa will continue to make pysanky for her friends. The children are hoping to make Easter cookies to give to friends. I need to make sure that everyone has clean, pressed clothes to wear during Holy Week, for the Easter Vigil, and Easter morning Masses. Thankfully, our parish will have Solemn High Masses all week long.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Happy Feast of the Annunciation!

Angelus Domini

V. The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary,
R. And she conceived by the Holy Spirit. 
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord,
R. Be it done unto me according to Thy word.
Hail Mary...
V. And the Word was made flesh,
R. And dwelt among us.
Hail Mary...
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray
Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His passion and cross be brought to the glory of His resurrection. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Corned Beef and Cabbage Recipe

I am re-posting this recipe from 2009. Enjoy! 

I know that the Irish don't actually eat corned beef for St. Patrick's Day, but we do. I actually have a great Irish stew recipe that we like to eat on or around the feast of St. Agnes each year because it uses lamb meat. I'll have to share it one of these days.

Corned Beef and Cabbage Recipe

1 Corned Beef
2 onions, each studded with three whole cloves
4 carrots, peeled and halved
2 ribs celery, halved
4 sprigs Italian parsley
1 green cabbage, cored and cut into 6 wedges
3 russet potatoes, peeled and quartered
6 small leeks (white part and 2 inches green)
6 carrots peeled and cut into 2 ½ inch lengths
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
4 tbsp. chopped fresh Italian parsley

1. Place the corned beef (do not rinse) in an extra-large pot or soup kettle. Add the onions, halved carrots, celery and parsley sprigs. Cover with cold water and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat, cover and simmer for about 3 hours, turning beef over in the broth every 30 minutes. When the meat is very tender, remove from the kettle and keep warm.
2. Strain the broth and return it to the kettle. Add the cabbage, potatoes, leeks, cut-up carrots, salt and pepper and 2 tbsp. of the chopped parley. Bring to a boil; reduce the heat, cover, and simmer until the vegetables are tender, about 30 minutes.
3. Arrange the beef on a warmed serving platter and surround with the cooked vegetables. Ladle broth over the beef and vegetables, and sprinkle with the remaining chopped parsley.

Serves 6, with leftovers. We usually have guests on St. Patrick’s Day. I simply buy the largest corned beef available and increase all vegetables, based on the number of people who will be sharing our meal. Family and friends have always enjoyed this meal.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Novena to St. Joseph

O glorious descendant of the kings of Judah, Inheritor of the virtues of all the patriarchs. Just and happy St. Joseph, listen to my prayer. Thou art my glorious protector, and shall ever be, after Jesus and Mary the object of my most profound veneration and confidence. Thou art the most hidden, though the greatest Saint, and art particularly the patron of those who serve God with the greatest purity and fervor. In union with all those who have ever been most devoted to thee I now dedicate myself to thy service; beseeching thee, for the sake of Jesus Christ, who vouchsafed to love and obey thee as a son, to become a father to me; and to obtain for me the filial respect, confidence and love of a child towards thee.

O powerful advocate of all Christians, whose intercession, as St. Theresa assures us, has never been found to fail, deign to intercede for me now, and to implore for me the particular intention of this Novena.

(Mention your intentions here)

Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory Be.

Present me O great Saint to the adorable Trinity, with Whom thou hadst so glorious and so intimate a correspondence. Obtain that I may never efface by sin the Sacred Image according to the likeness of which, I was created. Beg for me that my divine Redeemer would enkindle in my heart and in all hearts, the fire of His Love, and infuse therein the virtues of His adorable infancy, His purity, simplicity, obedience, and humility.

Obtain for me likewise a lively devotion to thy virgin spouse, and protect me so powerfully in life and death, that I may have the happiness of dying as thou didst, in the friendship of my Creator, and under the immediate protection of the Mother of God. Amen.