
Wednesday, August 09, 2017

A Midsummer Garden

Echinacea 'Double Scoop Bubblegum'

I couldn't resist scooping up this beauty when I saw it for a reduced price last month at a local garden store. It seems to be thriving in its new home. 

Platycodon 'White' (Balloon Flower)

I planted three balloon flowers several years ago and then transplanted them the next year. This is the only plant that survived the transplantation. It is a prolific and beautiful bloomer.

Cosmos (St. Michael's Flower)

Despite their dainty appearance Cosmos are hardy annuals in our garden. We can always count on them to grow from seeds that I scatter in the spring. 

Cosmos (St. Michael's Flower)

This beautiful Cosmos came from the same seed packet as the flower above.

Rudbeckia 'Goldstrum'

I purchased a single Black-eyed Susan several years ago. Each year, it has continued to grow and spread. They grow from rhizomes which means that I occasionally need to pull some of the flowers to keep them in bounds. I have debated moving them, but their bright sunny yellow color prevents me from doing so. 

Rose 'Gertrude Jekyll'

This is the newest and most fragrant rose in my garden. I have planted it in a very dry spot and am hoping that I can get its roots to grow deep enough that it survives the winter without me watering it. 


Usually, I plant geraniums in our backyard planters. This year, I decided to divide our raspberries and plant them in the planters. Thus, the geraniums ended up in the garden. 

Sweet Alyssum

I plant alyssum around my garden each year. The fragrance is truly sweet. 


After having Anthony transplant this tree a couple of years ago, I read that peach trees don't like to be transplanted. This peach tree is proving what I read wasn't quite right. We shouldn't always believe what we read. 


My dad planted these grapes from his garden before moving away almost twelve years ago. The children enjoy foraging for them while playing in the backyard. 


Some of the grapes are easier to get than others. 

'Friar' Plum

Hopefully, this plum ripens and we are able to pick it before the squirrels do. 

Italian Prunes

My parents had the most amazing Italian prune tree when I was growing up. The fruit was juicy and delicious. I am anxious to see how these prunes compare. 

Centipedes, do you really have 100 legs?

Strawberries (Fruitful Virgin)

I divided and transplanted some of our strawberries this year. I am surprised to see that they are still bearing fruit in August. My little boys so enjoy plucking them from the planters whenever they are outside. 


Do you see the busy bee? The bees really seem to like the blanket flowers, penstemon, and scabiosa. Seeing them flying all around my garden makes me wonder if beekeeping might be something that our boys would enjoy. 

Rose 'Peace'

A friend of mine gave me this Rose in 2003 when I miscarried at 19 weeks. The first year it produced three blooms. This year, the blooms haven't stopped coming. 

What do you have growing in your garden?