
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Sisters of Bethlehem

When Catherine was one, we visited the Sisters of Bethlehem. The Mother Superior (I believe), Sr. Marider, held Catherine and whispered something in her ear. Catherine responded with a huge smile. A friend of ours snapped a photo of the whisper and the smile. When Sr. Marider was asked what she had said to Catherine, she responded, "It's a secret."

Today, my family visited the Sisters of Bethlehem again. They joined the Sisters of Bethlehem for Mass. They ate lunch with Sr. Marider. Catherine and Bernadette led everyone in the bénédicité (we include a long prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus with our grace before the main meal of the day ~the girls did so today).

Catherine reminded Sr. Marider of her previous visit. She also told Sister that one day she would return to the monastery and become a nun. Sr. Marider told Catherine to come back in nine years and she would be waiting for her. Catherine sounded ecstatic when she spoke to me on the phone. I could not help but think, "I would like it if you became a nun, but I would prefer you to stay closer to home." Catherine may have guessed my feelings because she proceeded to tell me, "I told Karlee that I like Switzerland and the places we have visited so much that I think my family should move over here."

While at the voirons, my family went to the monastery store (the sisters make beautiful works of art). Sr. Marider told another nun, "I am stealing two souvenirs for two very special girls. I do not think that the Virgin Mary will mind." She gave the souvenirs to Catherine and Bernadette. While in the store, Bernadette stopped in front of something and said that she wanted to buy it as her souvenir of her trip. My dad told me that she couldn't have chosen a better souvenir. It suits her perfectly.

Both girls sounded like they had had a lovely day. My dad (please keep him in your prayers) and my sister-in-law, Marie-Caroline, sounded like they had enjoyed themselves, too. I am sure everyone else did, as well.


  1. What a gift from Heaven it would be to have a religious vocation. It sounds as if your little girl is on her way.

    I am praying all of you.

  2. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Dear Christine,

    Hi! I am a young women in Chicago discerning a vocation to the Srs of Bethlehem. I met this same sister, Sr. Marie d'Aire (not sure of the spelling either). She was my 'angel' during the Evangelical Month retreat I made there at the Mother House, Les Voirons. I was soo happy to see these pictures! God bless you!


  3. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Dear Christine,

    Hi! I am a young women in Chicago discerning a vocation to the Srs of Bethlehem. I met this same sister, Sr. Marie d'Aire (not sure of the spelling either). She was my 'angel' during the Evangelical Month retreat I made there at the Mother House, Les Voirons. I was soo happy to see these pictures! God bless you!


  4. Dear Margaret,

    May God guide you as you try to discern your vocation!


  5. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Dear Christine,

    Thank you! I thought I would tell you, they have a monastery in Livingston Manor, NY, so if Catherine will someday join them, maybe she can go there. That is where I am visiting. God bless you!


  6. Dear Margaret,

    Thank you for sharing this information. I did not realize that the Sisters of Bethlehem are also in the United States. We will keep you in our prayers.


  7. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Sister's name is spelled more like: Sister Marider

    Her name was taken from the scripture that recalls in Canticle of Canticles the beloved coming up from the desert leaning on the arm of her Beloved.

    I met sister while in France. She is lovely.

  8. Thank you for letting me know. I really appreciate it.

    1. Hi Christine. Can you describe their life? Is it similar to other cloisters? I am trying to contact the Italian monastery. I just sent them a letter. However I am not Italian.

  9. Charlotte11:29 AM

    Thank you for that beautiful post! I love the sisters so much. Do you have still contact?


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I hope that you have a wonderful day! God bless you!