
Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I am 3 months old.

I like to sleep on someone.

I also like sticking my tongue out.

My mommy still needs to get a photo of me rolling over, but she never has a camera when I do.

I have Patrick to thank for my latest milestone. Yesterday, I started blowing "raspberries" in the air. I can't wait to a blow a "raspberry" on Patrick's cheek.


  1. He is SO beautiful - thanks for sharing!

  2. Too cute! Love the raspberries - we have them here as well.

  3. He is absolutely adorable! What beautiful photographs.

  4. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Such sweet pictures! :)
    I especially love the one of your son liking to sleep on someone. Our oldest was the same way-it's such nice snuggling.

    I'm visiting from Catholic Mothers Online. Just wnated to say hello!


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