
Saturday, May 05, 2007

Only Once

Brigid and Catherine have been counting in their e-mails to each other.

Brigid sent the following at the beginning of the week:

At Three minutes and Four seconds after 2 AM on

the 6th of May this year, the time and date will be

02:03:04 05/06/07.

This won't happen again in our lifetimes.


Catherine responded:

This too will only happen once in our lifetime.
On May 6th at 9 minutes and 10 seconds after 8 AM, the date
and time will be: 05/06/07 08:09:10.

Love, Catherine


  1. What sweet sisters they are! I can't wait till my girls are exchanging that way.

  2. The e-mail correspondence that I shared in my post took place between my daughter and her good friend. However, my daughters do enjoy sharing ideas, etc. As you know having two girls is great! My two eldest really are sweet sisters.


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