
Saturday, November 01, 2008

Voting Pro-Life

If you know Catholics who believe it is okay to vote for pro-abortion politicians, you may want to share what some of the U.S. Bishops have stated regarding the necessity to vote for LIFE,

May God bless those Bishops who “stand up fearlessly against the agents of death.” (Bishop Finn)


  1. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Vote pro-life,vote for McCain!

  2. But McCain isn't pro-life! He supports fetal stem cell research and abortion for rape and incest. If that's the new definition of pro-life, what will it be in 2012?

  3. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Since most people I know in the pro-life movement are aware of the inconsistencies in McCain's positions on abortion and stem cell research, I believe Steve's intent may not have been so much to label McCain as pro-life, but to point out that a vote for him was the best chance to avoid having FOCA signed into law by Obama.


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