
Friday, July 03, 2009

Remember, O Christian soul...

The prayer below used to appear on the back of our parish's bulletin.

Remember, O Christian soul,
That thou hast this day
and every day of thy life...

God to glorify,
Jesus to imitate,
A soul to save,
A body to mortify,
Sins to repent of,
Virtues to acquire,
Hell to avoid,
Heaven to gain,
Eternity to prepare for,
Time to profit by,
Neighbors to edify,
The world to despise,
Devils to combat,
Passions to subdue,
Death perhaps to suffer,
Judgement to undergo.

Therefore, O child of Jesus and Mary,
Avoid sin and all its occasions.
Pray often,

go frequently to Confession
and Holy Communion.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I love this! I'm writing it down to look at everyday. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I hope that you have a wonderful day! God bless you!