
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Glory Stories and Homilies

We have been listening to Glory Stories since Patrick was a baby, possibly even a few years earlier.  As we drove to my parent's house after Mass one Saturday, we heard the story Treasure in Heaven: The Story of Saint Katherine Drexel on Sacred Heart Radio and we knew we had to buy theses CDs (each purchase assists Catholic World Mission in helping the poor).  That year, our children received one each on St. Nicholas' Feast Day, some more (plus the coloring books) in their Christmas stockings, and even more CDs and coloring  books in their Easter baskets.  We were hooked and we still are.  We listen to Glory Stories when we drive to Mass and at other times.  The children really like them and so do my husband and I.

On Sunday, our pastor mentioned the words "Viva Cristo Rey" in his homily a few times and I wondered whether my children were paying attention.  They are very familiar with these words thanks to the Glory Stories Viva Cristo Rey:  The Courageous Saints of the Knights of Columbus and My Battle Name is Jose Luis!.  Last night, I got my answer.  As we sat at the dinner table, Patrick said, "So, Fr. Saguto knows about 'Viva Cristo Rey'.  He talked about it in his homily on Sunday.  He must listen to Glory Stories."  At that point, all of the older children (4 and up) started to discuss Father's homily on rightful authority and standing up for Christ and the Church.

I was temporarily stunned.  Patrick, my son who says he wants to be a priest, but also complains about going to Mass (like a lot of little boys), actually listened to our pastor's homily.  My son, who sits on his Daddy's lap or lies down in the pew and looks like he is trying to sleep during Mass, actually heard and remembered our pastor's words.  I interrupted my children's conversation to ask, "Was it Patrick who just started talking about Fr. Saguto's homily?"  Everyone answered in the affirmative, including Patrick.

Long live Christ the King!


  1. Sunday's homily was one of our children's favorites of his :))) We'll pray for Patrick and the priesthood!

  2. We just listened to the 14 Stations of the Cross CD yesterday. I love these! My little boy also wants to be a priest :-)


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