
Monday, December 14, 2009

Teacher In-Service Day

My husband gave me a much needed teacher in-service day, today.  Our six oldest have accompanied him to the Museum of Flight, taking advantage of the "Free Youth Days" which run through December 20.  The children were looking forward to going on the flight simulator. I am looking forward to hearing what they thought about their excursion and seeing the video that my husband is taking.  Hopefully, they are all enjoying themselves and my two youngest sons aren't wandering off to look at things.

While they are having fun, I am getting some very necessary December things accomplished on my day off.  I have gotten so much finished that I might even be able to join my family on their annual Christmas light car tour this month.  I hope that I find a "Family Day at the Museum of Flight" video under the Christmas tree this year (it would be the next best thing to having a Mass said for me).  Yes, those are hints for my husband who already gave me a much needed gift today, a quiet, productive day at home.

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Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I hope that you have a wonderful day! God bless you!