
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Advent Traditions in Our Home

A few years ago, I shared some of my family's Advent traditions. Those posts can be found at:
The Beauty of Advent
The Beauty of Advent II

Some of the picture books that we read are listed here:
Christmas, Feast Day, and Winter Books
I need to re-organize this list.

Over the years, we have had different Jesse trees. When my two oldest daughters were younger, I had them make a Jesse tree like the one that I made in First Grade.  I cut a green fir tree from construction paper and had them draw, color, and cut out the symbols each day.  When their art work was ready, they would glue it onto the tree.  Eventually, instead of making a Jesse tree, we purchased a small, fake Christmas tree from Michaels. My husband printed the Jesse tree ornament pictures found on the Domestic-Church website and the children colored them and hung them on the tree each day.  I really like the fact that these ornaments have a related bible verse printed below the image.  This year, we will use the Jesse tree kit from Illuminated Ink.  We still need to decide where we will hang the completed ornaments. the Jesse Tree ornaments from the Domestic Church website again.

I hope that everyone has a blessed Advent.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What's Been Keeping Us Busy

Daily Mass whenever possible


Going to a friend's daughter's wedding

Elizabeth likes to dance and Finnian is usually willing to accompany her.

Celebrating birthdays

Eating birthday cake and ice cream.

Visiting with our pastor and friends

Sports practices and games (Soccer ended on Saturday and basketball started two weeks ago.)

Piano lessons, practice, playing a piece for a "master teacher", and recitals

Violin lessons, practice, and a recital

As the children participate in activities, I am trying to remind them to keep their focus on what is most important: knowing, loving, and serving God.

"One thing is certain: When the time has come, nothing which is man-made will subsist. One day, all human accomplishments will be reduced to a pile of ashes. But every single child to whom a woman has given birth will live forever, for he has been given an immortal soul made to God's image and likeness."
~ Alice von Hildebrand ~

Monday, November 22, 2010

Winning Kick

This fall, Theresa and Brendan played soccer for the first time. On Saturday, their soccer team participated in the playoffs. Their first game went into overtime and Brendan kicked the winning goal.  My husband caught his kick on video and immediately turned the camera off and started to cheer.  As would be expected, Brendan had a huge smile on his face.  We were happy for him and the team.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Violin Recital

After seven weeks of lessons, Bernadette participated in her first violin recital on November 13.  Catherine accompanied her on the piano.  Bernadette played Mary had a Little Lamb and part of Long, Long Ago.  I was happy that she and her sister were able to coordinate playing the latter piece, as it was given to them on Monday, November 8.

Bernadette enjoys practicing and picking out songs by ear. At her last lesson, she started learning to play the G scale and a few Christmas songs. She is looking forward to playing Silent Night and is happy to be able to play Good King Wenceslas.

On another note, I know that Advent only starts on November 28, but I think that it might be time for us to pull out some of our Christmas books, including Good King Wenceslas to complement Bernadette's (and Catherine's) music practice. I am sure that my little ones will appreciate it. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Things He Says

Finnian:  "Mommy, for my birthday, I want my friends to come over and watch a movie and spend the night.  That is what they did for Catherine's birthday.  Do you approve it?"

Finnian:  "Mommy, you can't buy your birthday presents because then you will know what you are getting.  Daddy will have to go and buy them.  Patrick, we can go with him."

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Picture Books for Ninth Week of Kindergarten

I was waiting to share this list because I have not had time to write about all of the books that we read during week 9. I don't foresee having time to do so in the near future, so I am sharing the list as is.

Every Autumn Comes the BearEvery Autumn Comes the Bear by Jim Arnosky
Thanks to Michael O'Brien's A Landscape With Dragons: The Battle for Your Child's Mind, we have been fans of Jim Arnosky's picture books for several years. Arnosky's realistic illustrations intrigue my children and his stories add to their knowledge of nature.  Even my youngest listens to the books and points to the pictures, asking what things are.

Every Autumn Comes the Bear tells of the bear's visit each autumn.  It tells how the other animals hide, but the bear knows that they are there.  With wonderful detailed illustrations and simple language, it shares the bear's actions before "he sleeps all winter long."

FallFall by Ron Hirschi
We stumbled upon Fall by Ron Hirschi (a local author).  This book appeals to young children with its warm fall photos.

How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World (Dragonfly Books)

How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World (Dragonfly Books) by Marjorie Priceman

Miss Suzy
Miss Suzy by Miriam Young

Ox Cart ManOx Cart Man by Donald Hall, illustrated by Barbara Cooney