
Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter Week Daybook

Outside my window 
The sun is coming up.

I am thinking about 
and praying for a friend whose husband is in Afghanistan for a year. She has three young boys and a newborn baby girl.

I am thankful for 
the Triduum Masses at our parish. Words cannot describe the beauty of these Masses. A priest and a seminarian from the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter assisted our pastor in offering the Solemn High Masses. 

A friend from the pro-life community, who was at the Mass on Holy Thursday, called me a few of days ago and asked, "Why did they ever change it?" She went on to say that it was one of the most amazing Masses and that she was struck by the focus on Christ and the Eucharist. She is planning on coming to all of the Triduum Masses next year. I think she understands why my family and I became parishioners at this FSSP parish over two years ago. I also think that she would do the same if the parish wasn't over an hour away from her.

This same woman also shared, "After going to the Mass of Our Lord's Last Supper, the use of Latin makes a lot more sense. On Good Friday, the church where I went read the readings in English, Spanish and Vietnamese, making the liturgy a lot longer than it should have been." I shared that the Stations of the Cross and liturgy at our parish had taken about four hours, but the time flew by very quickly.

I wish
that we lived closer to our parish. I know that I said something similar last week, but that longing is still there. I really want to be able to go to Mass at our parish daily, not just twice a week.

From the kitchen,
I am hearing children pouring cereal.

From the learning rooms,
the children are asking questions about Pope John Paul II and asking if they can watch his beatification.

I am wearing
my pajamas.

I am reading
books to the children.

A few plans for the rest of the week
We will be going to Mass. I am hoping to visit a local garden center and nursery. I want to spend some time gardening, pulling weeds and planting plants this weekend. We might walk to the library and pick up some books that we have on hold. I have towels and bedding to wash (not to mention clothes). This Saturday, as I iron and do laundry, I am looking forward to listening to some lectures/talks on virtues that were given by our pastor.

I need
to possibly buy a new rose bush to replace one that may have died (I have never had a rose die before). It looked fine last summer and I am perplexed as to why it has no real growth, yet. Thanks to my parents (they had some beautiful roses in their garden), I know that a rose should not be planted in the same location as a previously planted rose; however, I need a rose in the same location, so I will be following this advice, "Never plant a rose where another has been growing – if you must use that spot – then dig out the soil and replace with soil from another part of the garden."

We are planting:
vegetables again. I will be buying garden netting to hopefully prevent the crows and any other winged or furry garden friends from devouring our vegetables.

I hope
that everyone has a joy-filled Eastertide.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing:

Happy Easter!


  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Beautiful family.
    God Bless
    Happy Easter

  2. Thank you, Mikayla. Happy Easter to you and your family.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I hope that you have a wonderful day! God bless you!