
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Violin Recital

In the fall, Bernadette began her second year of violin lessons. On November 19, she participated in the fall violin recital, playing "Moto Perpetuo" by Carl Bohm.

At one point during the piece, Bernadette paused. At her next lesson, she told her teacher, "When I am playing a fast piece of music, it's kind of like reading the Lord of the Rings. I get so caught up in the music that I forget where I am."


  1. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Dear Bernadette,

    We are so impressed with your playing. It's amazing how much you've learned in just a year and a half. Great job! Keep up the good work.

    Mrs. Ghigleri and the children

  2. Anonymous6:41 AM

    fantastic Bernadette - keep up the hard work!


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