
Friday, October 19, 2012

Rainy Day Daybook

Outside my window...
I hear the pitter patter of the rain on the roof. As I ran errands yesterday afternoon, I noticed the beautiful colors of the fall leaves. God is good.

I am listening to...
my baby's breathing, the rain coming down, and the fan on my laptop. I don't know why the latter is so loud this morning.

I am praying for...
my older sister. She has always wanted a large family and she is very good with children. At the end of August, she was very excited to call and tell me that she was pregnant. Two weeks ago, she emailed a short video of the baby's heart beating. On Tuesday, she went to the doctor for a regular appointment. Her obstetrician was excited about showing my sister how the baby had grown; instead, the doctor was saddened to have to tell her that she has had a missed miscarriage. I am praying that Mary wraps her mantle around my sister. I know the pain of hearing that your baby has died. I know that she knows the pain of miscarriages and I cannot help but hope that the doctor was somehow wrong. My heart is breaking for my sister. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

I am wearing...
a pink nightie, but I will be wearing a skirt and sweater later today.

I am thankful...
for Elizabeth''s joy and enthusiasm. Her excitement about various things can be contagious. She has been asking for a birthday party since last year and we are happy to be planning one for her. She is very excited that some of her friends will be coming to our house. My little girl's love for family and friends is helping her overcome her shyness.

In the Learning Rooms...
Yesterday, as Patrick read a story from These are Our Neighbors (one of the Faith and Freedom readers), his younger brother pulled a chair up next to him and sat down. His little sister climbed on my lap to listen. When Patrick was almost finished reading, his brother commented, "This is a good story. Patrick is doing a nice job reading it." I agreed with him. After being tucked in bed last night, Finnian wandered into our room and told Daddy about the story and how well Patrick had read.

I appreciate the encouragement that my children give to each other. I see the encouragement and their willingness to help a younger brother or sister as a benefit of homeschooling.

I am pondering...
The games that we will play at my little girl's party. She knew what cake she wanted and told me, "I want the princess cake that we saw when we got Brendan's cake." Thankfully, she saw the cake at Costco on a regular shopping trip and pointed it out to me or I may have gone on a wild goose chase. I didn't remember seeing a princess cake at Costco or anywhere else.

From the kitchen...
I am thinking about the streamers that my older children hung in the dining room and the three cheese pizzas that we will be cooking.

I am (still) reading...
The Mirror of True Womanhood. I find myself reading a passage from it and then inadvertently thinking about it during the day. I am currently reading about teaching daughters (and sons) about the proper use of their time. The last passage that I read stated:
"What we urge upon the attention of mothers is the value they should teach their children to attach to what the French call "lost moments," moments perdus, the little leisure moments or intervals that occur during the daily hours of labor, study, or occupation. They, too, ought to be applied to some special and profitable use. 
Such moments in the day are like the grains of gold carried down from the mountain in the river streams and mixed up with sand along their shores. Each grain in itself is of little account ; but the miner knows its value, and his husbandry teaches him how to separate the grains of the precious metal from the dull valueless matter in which it is buried, till at the end of his day's toil, he has amassed the beginning of a treasure ; and with the persevering industry which adds together the gains of many successive days, he soon acquires a fortune. Do not the wise men of the world repeat to you daily that time is gold? Assuredly it is, even for the ends of the lower earthly life; but for the higher purposes of life, and, in particular, for the highest of all, is not every second of time a grain of the golden sands ? And are not these sands the "golden coins" with which we may purchase not only all intellectual and moral excellence, but His friendship to whom alone belongs eternity?"
Plans for the rest of the week...
include a birthday party, a possible hair cut, and violin shopping.

A picture thought...

My parents-in-law had this picture hanging in their old house. I am not sure what happened to the painting when they moved, but I hope that my father-in-law still has it. Although I first saw this picture before I met my husband, I liked it more after his mother told me who her son had chosen for his Confirmation saint. My husband chose St. Dominic de Guzman for his Confirmation patron saint and I chose St. Catherine of Siena. Need I say more?

A prayer that I like...

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee,
O Virgin of virgins, my mother;
to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful.
O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions,
but in thy mercy hear and answer me.

When I was growing up, the Memorare of St. Bernard was one of the many prayers that my family and I would pray after our daily morning and evening rosary. Now, I pray this prayer as I go about my day, from morning until night. Sometimes, I pray the Memorare for someone. Other times, I simply pray this prayer out of love for our Blessed Mother and the Word Incarnate. 

I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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