
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Multiplying Love

"I am so happy that my mom is pregnant.
Every time my mom has another baby,
the love in our family grows."
~ Katheryn Lyon ~

These words were shared with me by a 15 or 16-year-old girl shortly after learning that her mother was pregnant. When I first met Katheryn, she was the oldest of eight children. Today, she is the oldest of twelve children, married, and the mother of two children (so far). When I first met Katheryn, I was the mother of two children and her words made my heart sing because I knew the truth behind them.

Today, as the mother of eight children, that truth is even more real to me. I see the love when I walk into a room and find my oldest son reading to my youngest daughter. I see the love when I hear my five year old praise my seven year old for his reading. I see that love when my oldest daughter helps in the kitchen without being asked. I see that love when I hear my second oldest daughter cuddling with and talking to her youngest brother. I see that love when I discover my oldest son playing a board game with his younger brothers and sisters. I see that love when my fourth child helps her brothers with their lessons. I see that love when my fifth child brings me breakfast in bed. I see that love when my baby looks at his daddy and says, "Da Da." I see that love when my youngest daughter comes into the room and tells her youngest brother, "I love you." I see that love in a myriad of ways each day.

Open your heart to life. You won't regret it. As my pastor says, "You cannot possibly outdo God in His generosity."

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