
Saturday, January 05, 2013

2012 in Review

In January, Brendan received the Sacrament of Confirmation.

We were amazed to see a 3-D ultrasound of our baby in February.

We also visited the cemetery on the anniversary of my mother's death.

March was a bit of a blur. I know that my husband and children went to the cemetery again (I may have too). It was Lent and as my pastor says (slightly paraphrased), "You don't need to look for a cross to carry. God will give you the crosses that you need. You simply need to embrace whatever crosses you are given." Enough said.

Catherine was happy to receive an iPad from her aunt and uncle.

April saw us celebrating Jesus' Resurrection.

We made a lamb cake for the first time and are looking forward to making one again.

May was a wonderful month.

Kieran was born and baptized.

Patrick made his First Confession and First Holy Communion.

June was both sad and joyful. We sold our dog. We still miss her. 

We celebrated a friend's daughter's birthday and spent a morning at the aquarium.

In July, Theresa was pleasantly surprised to get two guinea pigs after Mass one day. Thank you to the girls who gave them to her.

Splash and Oreo

She was happy to have some of her friends over too.

This was also the month that some of my children got the whooping cough.

August saw more of my children and my husband getting the whooping cough. My husband went to Ireland (photo still to come).

We went blueberry picking.

September began with us participating in our parish's annual picnic.

My two oldest daughters played a couple of piano/violin duets at a local farmer's market. (I still need to upload one or two of the videos.)

The month ended with a trip to the zoo.

Kieran started eating solid foods in October.

 We had a princess party.

Brendan carved a pro-life pumpkin.

Some of the children dressed up as saints.

November found us having an impromptu All Saints party at our house.

We also celebrated Thanksgiving with some friends, but we failed to take any photos.

In December, St. Nicholas visited our parish.

We made gingerbread houses, celebrated Christ's birth, and visited with my brother-in-law, niece, and nephew.

*Every single one of the months above could have simply been about our baby boy, but I know that I have been sharing a picture of him each month since he was born, so I thought that I better record a few other things.

I pray that everyone has a happy and blessed 2013.


  1. I love these kinds of posts. Kieran is a doll!

  2. Thank you, Sarah. His sisters definitely treat him like a doll.

  3. Thanks for the update, I enjoy seeing some of your adventures through the year. The kids are so big! Wow time goes fast my friend. It's beautiful to see how much they love their baby brother!

  4. You're welcome, Shelly. Time goes by very quickly. I know that it goes without saying, but treasure every moment with your children. I miss you.

  5. What a really nice year in review! May you have many blessing in 2013!

  6. Thank you, Monica.

  7. How nice! You have a very lovely blog! Was Fr."s assistant at the Baptism one of your sons, or someone else?

  8. Thank you, Kate. Father's assistant at the Baptism is a fellow parishioner. He is the son of a very sweet family at our parish and one of ten children.

  9. Oh. Thank you for your prompt response. God bless!

  10. You're welcome, Kate. May God bless you too.


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