
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Prayers Needed

It was with great sadness that I read on Rorate Caeli this morning that Fr. Kenneth Walker, FSSP had been shot and killed, and that Fr. Joesph Terra, FSSP is in critical condition after an attack by armed burglars. Our assitant pastor mentioned Fr. Walker and his family when he came for dinner on Pentecost Sunday.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. Kenneth Walker, FSSP. Also, please pray for the complete recovery of Fr. Joseph Terra, FSSP. May Our Blessed Mother, the Mother of Mercy, bring comfort to the families and parishioners of these holy priests. 

Please see the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter's prayer request.


  1. This is so sad. We will pray for both priests.

    1. Thank you, Eva. It is so sad. I cannot comprehend how anyone could do such a thing. However, I have to remember St. Philip Neri's words, "There but for the grace of God go I." Tonight, we prayed our family rosary for the repose of Fr. Walker's soul, for his family, for Fr. Terra, for all of their parishioners, and that the criminal(s) be found and justice be done. May God grant all those affected comfort!

    2. Anonymous6:45 AM

      Nodding and uniting along with you. Tending to the Mary garden (no blooms yet), getting started with YNAB (my dh set up a trial, I will see if it's not too late to go through your link), considering hair clips, and aching and grieving for these priests and the shock waves sent through the fraternity. Before our two Seussical shows and a ballet dress rehearsal today we plan to drive in to the city to attend noon Mass to pray. I suppose most of us in FSSP apostolates are thinking, "What if this happened to our priests?"

      However horrific this event is, I can't help but to think of Queen Blanche's words to the future King Louis IX, "I love you my dear son, as much as a mother can love her child; but I would rather see you dead at my feet than that you should commit a mortal sin." These priests are heroes and martyrs and I hope in some small way that Fr. Walker's mother is comforted that her son was in the news not for something scandalous but that he most likely died in the state of grace.

      We pray for the FSSP priests and seminarians every day with the poster of seminarians before us. Sometimes it's a huge sacrifice to get on our knees at 10pm when the day runs late, but I am ever so glad we do and these prayers will gain new purpose and meaning after this tragedy.

      (No time to blog today, so hope you don't mind my putting my thoughts here in this lengthy comment!)

    3. Dear Tracy, Thank you for taking the time to share your wise ponderings here. I know that Fr. S. once gave an excellent sermon on Extreme Unction. I was thankful to read that Fr. Terra gave Fr. Walker the last rites. I hope that when we die, we receive the last rites. May God bless Fr. Terra and may Our Mother of Mercy keep him close to her heart!

  2. This whole incident reminds me a bit of what happened in South America for many years. So tragic.

    1. It is very tragic. I spoke with my pastor, who is friends with Fr. Terra, today. I can't stop thinking about what happened.


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