
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014 Read Alouds

Angel Food for Boys and Girls: Volume I by Father Gerald T.  Brennan
The Angel Food for Boys and Girls series is an absolute favorite in our house. I don't think that I have ever finished reading a tale from this series without hearing, "Please read just one more story." All of my children have delighted in hearing these stories over the years. Fr. Brennan has a gift for writing books that entertain and teach at the same time.

We learned about this entertaining book from Jen. My children enjoyed hearing about Celeste's adventures and her narrow escapes. They liked the illustrations too.

The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi, illustrated by Roberto Innocenti
My husband and I saw this book on a library shelf and we were intrigued by the detailed and realistic illustrations of Tuscany. Our older children were happy to listen to this classic story of Pinocchio once again, and our younger children learned a thing or two by listening to the story of Pinocchio.

The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, illustrated by E.H. Shepard
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this classic story as a child. I spent hours looking at E.H. Shepard's illustrations. My children delighted in the adventures of Toad, Rat, Mole, and Badger, marveled at Toads narrow escape, and occasionally shook their heads at his antics. One of my sons thought "the washerwoman" was hilarious. The Wind in the Willows is a book that all children should read or hear read.

New Catholic Picture Bible by Lawrence G. Lovasik
When Catherine was younger, my husband used to read a children's bible to her and eventually her brothers and sisters each night. After reading a story, my husband would ask questions. My dad used to delight, when he and my mom visited, in asking Catherine questions about various stories from the bible. She was always able to answer his questions. Somewhere along the way, the nightly bible reading stopped. Well, in February, we decided to start our old tradition again. The children are enjoying listening to their father read the bible after our family rosary each night and they are taking pleasure in answering his questions.

Stories of the Child Jesus from Many Lands by A. Fowler Lutz
We gave this book to Bernadette as a Christmas present a few years ago. She has read it and reread it over the years. This year, I asked her if we could use it as one of our morning read alouds, she was happy to oblige. The book includes beautiful inspirational stories of the Child Jesus from various countries.

Legends and Stories of Italy by Amy Steedman
The faith-filled stories in this book lend themselves well to narration. After I finished reading, I asked, "What can you tell me about the story?" One of my children would respond by retelling the story that I read. If they left anything out of their retelling, another child was happy to add a little more to the retelling. I highly recommend Legends and Stories of Italy. The stories are wonderful to read aloud or quietly.


Sixty Saints for Girls by Joan Windham
A friend gave me this book after I told her about Sixty Saints for Boys. My children and I thoroughly enjoy the memorable stories in both of these books.


  1. Three of our boys will be confirmed this year. Do you have any suggestions for books or resources to help prepare? I do have the small book from the FSSP bookstore, Preparation for Confirmation. Thanks for any suggestions! I hope everything is going well for your family. I did post the picture of the peg doll uncle who is a priest, here, in case you have 't seen it. God bless!

    1. Congratulations to your boys! My children all participate in our parish's Confirmation class. Fr. S. does an incredible job teaching them, using the Baltimore Catechism #2. In addition to the Baltimore Catechism, you might want to use The Soldier of Christ: Talks Before Confirmation.

      Thank you for sharing the link to your peg doll priest. It looks great!

      God bless you and yours!

  2. Thanks for the suggestions! God bless!

    1. You're welcome, Christine. God bless you!

  3. Nice list. I am looking for a new read aloud. We just finished Catholic Tales for Boys and Girls, and are one chapter away from finishing Little Women. Have you ever read the "Little Butterfly who Loved Jesus" books by Susan Brindle? We have read the stories several times and the kids can never get enough. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. Yes, we have read the Little Butterfly who Loved Jesus, along with other Precious Life books. Catholic Tales for Boys and Girls and Little Women are great books. Suggestions for additional read-aloud books can be found here. God bless you!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I hope that you have a wonderful day! God bless you!