
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

First Confession and First Holy Communion

"The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white Host."
~ Ven. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen ~

"Who, the day before He suffered, took bread into His Holy and venerable hands, and having lifted up His eyes to heaven, to Thee, God, His Almighty Father, giving thanks to Thee, blessed it +, broke it, and gave it to His disciples, saying: Take and eat ye all of this."

Last week, I heard a countdown each day. My little girl would announce each morning, "Mommy, there are only ___ more days until my First Confession, and ___ days until my First Holy Communion." On Saturday, May 16, our youngest daughter went to confession for the first time. The next day, Sunday, May 17, our little girl was so excited to receive Our Lord, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.

Prior to the Mass, the First Communicants participated in our parish's May Crowning. After Mass, they knelt to pray with our pastor and their First Holy Communion teacher.

Elizabeth received her First Holy Communion from the holy priest who baptized her, Fr. Saguto, FSSP. 

"When Our Lord sees pure souls coming to visit Him in the Blessed Sacrament He smiles on them. They come with the simplicity that pleases Him so much." 
~ St. John Vianney ~

My friend, Thea, designed and had this beautiful cake made for the First Holy Communion reception.

May God bless all of the First Communicants!


  1. Congratulations to your daughter, Christine! I still remember my First Holy Communion as if it were yesterday. We were more than 100 children. Veronika will have hers some time during the summer months. She will be the only one.

    1. Thank you, Eva! I will keep Veronika in my prayers. May God bless you!

  2. What a blessed day! God bless!

    1. It was a truly blessed day! God bless you and your family, Christine!

  3. Dear Kitty & Family,

    When I looked at your site, at your writings, at the quotes from various saints, at the pictures, at the individual trees that fill and feed the forest of inspiration, joy, peace and serenity that permeates throughout the undergrowth of your personal garden of Eden, I was very naturally filled with complete satisfaction and pride.

    I thanked God for confirming that during our lifetime Mommy and I did at least something right. We succeeded by the grace of God to pass on to our family and descendants the deep roots of our ancestral Catholic faith.

    That faith has been the cornerstone of our traditions and at the foundation of the life of love we have inherited and shared for generations past. While I have done many things wrong, I find much comfort in the absolute trust that I have that it will continue to ensure our eternity for generations to come!

    With such faith, hope, trust and love, mommy and I can rest in peace.

    God bless you all. Lots of love from Bops aka Louis Leclezio.

    1. Thank you, Dad! I am so thankful to you and Mommy for all that you taught us, but especially for instilling a deep love of God and the Catholic Church. I thank God for both of you, and remember you in my daily prayers. As you know, I miss you more than words can say. I will facetime you in the morning. I love you! God bless you!
      With all my love,

  4. How beautiful! It's so nice to see the girls dressed so beautifully and modestly. My parish follows the Ordinary Form and I sometimes wonder at the dresses picked for first communion. Congratulations and God bless!

    1. Thank you, Jennifer! You can be a light in your parish, showing the other mothers and girls how beautiful women look when they dress modestly. Years ago, one of our children's pediatricians used to always wear modest, pretty dresses to work. It really made an impression on my husband and me. May God bless you!

  5. Congratulations! I was praying for all the First Communicants.

    1. Thank you, Amanda. God bless you and your family!

  6. Congratulations, Elizabeth! Such a blessed, holy day!
    Her dress is so lovely and I love the blue sash added for Our Lady! What a special blessing, to receive Our Lord first from the priest that baptized her! Such a rarity in today's world, where priests are reassigned so frequently. It was also very touching to read that note from your father - what a blessing to have such godly parents, intent on passing on the Faith. Deo gratias!

    1. Thank you, Kimberlee. Fr. Saguto recommended the blue sash after Mass one Friday. I am so happy that he did. The night before Elizabeth's First Holy Communion, he mentioned that he would like to see the blue sash worn in honor of Our Lady become a tradition once more. I completely agree with him. We were very happy that Elizabeth was able to receive Our Lord from him. Father told Elizabeth that he will return for her wedding. We are going to miss him when he leaves. I am so thankful for my parents. May God bless you and may Our Lady keep you close to her Immaculate Heart!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I hope that you have a wonderful day! God bless you!