
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Goodbye Summer Daybook

Outside my window
The sun is shining and the leaves are starting to change color. At least, the sun was shining when I started this daybook. Now, the rain is pouring down and I am enjoying sipping on pumpkin spice hot cocoa. We double the cocoa and the milk when we make this.

We have had a beautiful summer!

I am wearing
a denim skirt and a navy blue t-shirt.

In the kitchen
I have been enjoying all of the barbecuing that Anthony has been doing this summer. I am so thankful to have a son who can barbecue. As I told my dad, Anthony barbecuing means that my husband can arrive home to dinner on the table.

My husband and some of the children cleaned our cars this week. The children always enjoy cleaning the cars with their dad.

I am thankful for
our new assistant pastor. He came for dinner a week ago and we had a great time visiting with him, playing Pictionary, and watching him play Mario Kart with three of our boys.

I am also thankful for Ben, a very kind man at our parish, who has been giving us heirloom tomatoes and Italian prunes. Growing up, we had a huge, old, bountiful Italian prune tree. As children, my siblings and I were always happy when the plums were ready. When I went to college, my mom sent me Italian prunes in a small box each year. Ben's Italian prunes are bringing back many fond memories.

I am hearing
the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles, singing on their Marian Hymns at Ephesus CD. I am also hearing Kilian squeal and laugh. Joan is playing with him, while Bernadette tries various hairstyles in my hair.

Our baby is growing so quickly. He is moving all over the place whenever he is on the floor. Since he was born, I have been amazed by how much he moves. I joke that he is perpetual motion, but I am not really joking.

I am continuing to pray for

We are learning
all sorts of things. Cecilia was happy when she saw the bird stamps that I bought for her to mail the letters that she writes. She is a prolific letter writer and recently asked me if I could buy some pretty stamps for her to use. When I gave her these stamps, her face lit up.

Bernadette checked this book out from the library and has been experimenting with various hairstyles. I think that we might need to have a girls' hair-styling party one of these weekends.

I was happy to find these pens for around $7 on Amazon. I've always liked using colorful pens. These write well and are comfortable to use which is a bonus. The children like using them too. They are great for writing in cards, etc.

What am I reading?
I was reading The Glories Of Mary by St. Alphonsus Liguori until the book was ruined (I won't mention how). I will be buying another copy of this title when I am able. It is a great book.

I am continuing to read Legends and Stories of Italy by Amy Steedman to the children in the morning. I am finding that the faith-filled stories in this book lend themselves well to narration. After I finish reading, I ask, "What can you tell me about the story?" One of my children will respond by retelling the story that I read. If they leave anything out of their retelling, another child is happy to add a little more to the retelling. I highly recommend Legends and Stories of Italy.

During lunch, I am reading A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole. Thanks go to Jen for recommending this book. Whenever I read A Nest for Celeste, my young children beg, "Please read another chapter." They are thoroughly enjoying listening to this story and I am enjoying reading it. 

I am listening to
I love my husband
He surprised me with flowers on Thursday night because he felt that I needed them. He was right. 

Aren't they cute?

Plans for this week
  • Go to Mass
  • Go to the beach Oops that was last week. Our summer beach days with friends, new and old, have come to an end. :( I am going to miss going to the beach with my children and friends.
  • Garden - There is a lot to be done outside. My perennials have taken over since last year. I want to transplant some flowers and divide others. Eventually, I hope to be satisfied with how our garden in the front looks. When that happens, I want to work on the backyard.
  • Clean up around the house. It's a never-ending task that I am happy to offer to God.
  • Jump in with both feet. I needed to read Sarah's Do it Afraid because I think that this is the first time (to paraphrase Sarah) that I am just "jumping in with both feet" and "shoring up the details" as I go. Oh, I wanted this summer to last and last.
  • Plan for a Lilla Rose Marian luncheon party.

I am pondering
"If you are feeling overwhelmed, then you are not spending enough time with God." I read these words somewhere and I have not been able to stop thinking about them. I know that I need to make more time for God in my life.

A prayer for Students
Ineffable Creator, Who out of the treasures of Thy wisdom has appointed three hierarchies of Angels and set them in admirable order high above the heavens and hast disposed the divers portions of the universe in such marvelous array, Thou Who art called the True Source of Light and supereminent Principle of Wisdom, be pleased to cast a beam of Thy radiance upon the darkness of my mind and dispel from me the double darkness of sin and ignorance in which I have been born.
Thou Who makest eloquent the tongues of little children, fashion my words and pour upon my lips the grace of Thy benediction. Grant me penetration to understand, capacity to retain, method and facility in study, subtlety in interpretation and abundant grace of expression. Order the beginning, direct the progress and perfect the achievement of my work, Thou Who art true God and true Man, Who livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen.  
~ St. Thomas Aquinas
I hope that everyone has had a relaxing and enjoyable summer. We enjoyed spending time together as a family, and Wednesdays at the beach with friends, both new and old, this summer. May God bless our children as we begin another homeschool, charter school/school year!


  1. Anonymous3:49 PM

    A nice peak into your pre-school year days. I see you have a large car washing brush and I like Kieran's little boots her is wearing in the woods. Happy Learning to all the Boyles!

    1. Thank you, Elena. The car washing brush came from Costco and has proved to be invaluable when it comes to washing our van. The boots have stood the test of time. My sister gave them to us years ago and I think that all of the children have worn them. Good luck to all of you this year! I look forward to seeing another orchestra performance.

  2. Anonymous5:44 PM

    So much going on! I've seen that seminarian, I mean, newly ordained priest! Pretty sure he;s come to visit our parish. We also washed cars outside and love the bird stamps (sure beats the Harry Potter and Harvey Milk options), and I so wish my girls could join yours in a hair styling party! (I thought girls would naturally want to practice on one another but I have to encourage this all the time). I'm listening to these same talks (need to re-listen) and reading Nest for Celeste. Seems no one wants summer to end. This is difficult for everyone. Here it is Sept 1st and we just got around to making potato salad and pickles. I am earnestly trying to push thoughts of snow and 20 below far, far from my mind.

    1. He probably has visited your parish. We saw one of our, I mean your, priests at wedding here recently. :) I wish your girls were close enough to join in the hair styling party. Yes, I have been re-listening to these sermons. How do you make pickles? When does it start snowing for you? We're lucky to get more than a dusting of snow every couple of years or so.

    2. Anonymous8:32 PM

      Not sure - my MIL got the girls making refrigerator pickles while I made the potato salad. Has something to do with boiling vinegar, garlic, and dill, then pouring it over the cucumbers, and putting on a lid. One week in the fridge and they are ready. Snow? Anytime October - Christmas. Then 3-4 months of a white landscape until the thaw!

  3. We also really like those stamps! How is Kim doing! The hair book sounds interesting. I just cut my hair quite short, I like it better this way, but the girls would enjoy playing around with their hair! Our school year started today, right when it finally got warm enough for summer! Our summer has been so cool. I don't like heat, but a bit of warmth would be nice. Maybe I need a hot cocoa. Have a wonderful next school year1

    1. Kim came through her surgery, but was going in again today because the doctors found a lump on her neck. The girls have been finding some good tips in the hair book. We had plenty of sunny warm days this summer. I think that we only had one rainy beach day. I hope that you have a fruitful and blessed school year. Good luck teaching your classes too!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I hope that you have a wonderful day! God bless you!