
Friday, August 22, 2014

Urgent Prayer Request for Kim

Last night, my friend, Christine emailed me to let me know that our friend, Kim, has really been struggling lately and that it looks like Kim might not live much longer. We are asking Fr. Kenneth Walker to please intercede for Kim. Today, Christine sent the following email to our homeschool group:
As you know, we’ve been specially requesting prayers for Kim this past year as she struggled with her rare, rare form of cancer that is currently active on her brain. It has reached a dire pitch this past week as she has been unable to eat, has constant intense headache, cannot leave the couch.  It now takes her a day just to write a few lines of a letter to her children.  She was admitted to a hospital yesterday and because they are medically at the end of the rope, she has agreed to an experimental treatment.  So, on Monday she will have another surgery on her head to remove more "real estate" and then two radiation nodes will be implanted.   
Naturally, Brian and Kim have turned their thoughts toward the probability of death and all these "last things."  
Dear Lord, we ask for a miracle and the complete, permanent healing of Kim.  Please place your mantel of protection, love, serenity, joy, wisdom, consolation around the Carroll family:  Kim, Brian, Caisey, Rebecca, Anna, and John Paul.   
Father Kenneth Walker, we ask you specially to pray for her.  St. Joseph, pray for her. Blessed Fulton Sheen, pray for her.  St. Paul, pray for her.  St. Pope John Paul, pray for her. Blessed Mother Teresa, pray for her.  St. Louis de Montfort, pray for her.  St. Maximillian Kolbe, pray for her.  St. Peregrine, pray for her.  
In your kindness, please join us in praying for Kim.


  1. This is so sad, I have been wondering how she was doing. I will pray for her and hope that she will recover soon.

  2. I will keep her in my prayers!

  3. Praying for your friend, and her sorrowing family.


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