Preschool - Second Grade Read Alouds
Aesop's Fables for Children illustrated by Milo Winter
Bible Stories for Little Children under the approbation of Cardinal McCloskey (excerpt here)
A Book of Seasons by Alice and Martin Provensen
Catholic Children's Treasure Box Books by Maryknoll Sfisters
A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
The Elephant's Child by Rudyard Kipling, illustrated by Leonard Weisgard
Every Autumn Comes The Bear
by Jim Arnosky
James Herriot's Treasury for Children by James Herriot
Little Patron of Gardeners: The Good Saint Fiacre by Catherine Beebe
Master Maid: A Tale of Norway
by Aaron Shepard
Miniature Stories of the Saints by Rev. Daniel A. Lord, SJ
Saint Francis and the Animals by Leo Politi
St. Jerome and the Lion
by Margaret Hodges
The Covered Bridge
by Cornelia Meigs
Happy Times in Noisy Village
by Astrid Lindgren
John Treegate's Musket
by Leonard Wibberley
Peter Treegate's War
by Leonard Wibberley
Sea Captain from Salem
by Leonard Wibberley

The Mirror of True Womanhood by Rt. Rev. Monsignor Bernard O'Reilly, D.D., L.D.
We and Our Children by Mary Reed Newland
Read Aloud
Queen without a Crown
by Madeleine Polland
Saint Dominic and the Rosary
by Catherine Beebe

Bible Stories for Little Children under the approbation of Cardinal McCloskey (excerpt here)
A Book of Seasons by Alice and Martin Provensen
Catholic Children's Treasure Box Books by Maryknoll Sfisters
A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
The Elephant's Child by Rudyard Kipling, illustrated by Leonard Weisgard
The children had a lot of questions about this story. They also thought that it was funny. I was surprised that they asked for me to read it twice on the same day. It lead to a discussion about spanking and comments from Finnian about how the elephant's child shouldn't have spanked his family. Patrick told his older brother all about the story and enjoyed telling him about the words that the bi-colored-python-rock snake used. Like Patrick, I was amused by Rudyard Kipling's interesting use of words and phrases.
Every Autumn Comes The Bear
James Herriot's Treasury for Children by James Herriot
Little Patron of Gardeners: The Good Saint Fiacre by Catherine Beebe
Master Maid: A Tale of Norway
I am still trying to decide what I thought of this book. In it, the troll says to the Master Maid, "Curse your soul." She replies, "Bless my soul." While I like the Master Maid's response, I felt uneasy reading the troll's words to my children.
Miniature Stories of the Saints by Rev. Daniel A. Lord, SJ
Saint Francis and the Animals by Leo Politi
St. Jerome and the Lion
The Black Fox of Lorne by Marguerite de Angeli
The Covered Bridge
Happy Times in Noisy Village
Sixth Grade
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
by Washington Irving, illustrated by Arthur Rackham
Peter Treegate's War
Sea Captain from Salem
Eighth Grade
The Black Fox of Lorne by Marguerite de Angeli
The Lark and the Laurel by Barbara Willard
The Lark and the Laurel by Barbara Willard
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
by Washington Irving, illustrated by Arthur Rackham
National Velvet
by Enid Bagnold
The Yearling
by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
National Velvet
The Yearling
Tenth Grade
Butter at the Old Price: The Autobiography of Marguerite de Angeli
Catherine enjoyed getting a peak at this author's life. She told me in amazement, "Marguerite de Angeli and her sister used to stay up until midnight working on homework." I always thought that Marguerite de Angeli was a Catholic, but Catherine told me that she was a Baptist.
Butter at the Old Price: The Autobiography of Marguerite de Angeli
Catherine enjoyed getting a peak at this author's life. She told me in amazement, "Marguerite de Angeli and her sister used to stay up until midnight working on homework." I always thought that Marguerite de Angeli was a Catholic, but Catherine told me that she was a Baptist.
The Catholic Girl's Guide by Fr. F.X. Lasance
Catherine received this book as a gift from her Confirmation sponsor a few years ago. This book was the perfect present for my daughter. She is constantly reading it. I will try to remember to mention the book when Catherine discusses some aspect of it with me, as she did recently.
The Lark and the Laurel by Barbara Willard
Life With Father
by Clarence Day
St. Francis of Assisi
by G.K. Chesterton
The Mirror of True Womanhood by Rt. Rev. Monsignor Bernard O'Reilly, D.D., L.D.
We and Our Children by Mary Reed Newland
Read Aloud
Queen without a Crown
Saint Dominic and the Rosary
Saints for Young People for Every Day of the Year by the Daughters of St. Paul
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle, read by David Case
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